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A member registered Jul 07, 2022

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(1 edit)

Idk if this is rude to ask but when do you think the game will be finished and what would be the final app size according to your calculation? I'm a big fan of your games and like your humor. Pls reply

When will be the next update?

im using cp tho

so I'll install the new version without deleting 0.3?

I'll ask again how do I update eternum without deleting my progress ? Pls anwer and im stupid so please explain step by step thank you in advance your games are goat

Just wondering if the new update arrives 

How can i update the game?

I only know how to update on playstore

already played it

Sorry for leaving a comment again but can you suggest a nsfw game with the same artsyle as your games?

Thanks for the replies man, Your games are goat but I suggest new updates of ur games would include moaning 

Is there a compilation of all the sex scenes in OIALT? If so I'd really love to download it . 

Is there a compilation of all the sex scenes in OIALT? If so I'd really love to download it . Tnx for reply

(1 edit)

I played this game 3 times but it seems i cant f*ck Iris any tips? Caridbis pls. reply